St. Thomas More Parish
Living the Real Presence of Christ
At St. Thomas More, we have special interest in each of our families. The purpose of our Faith Formation Program is to SUPPORT parents in their roles as primary teachers of their children's growing faith. We believe that faith formation is an integral part of our Christian life and faith journey. Another important purpose is to HELP parents nurture the foundation of their child's religious education. Every family's regular participation at Mass on Sundays is a vital and critical part of every child's faith formation.
In his 1994 Letter to Families, Pope John Paul II wrote: "Parents are the first and most important educators of their own children, and they also possess a fundamental competence in this area: they are educators because they are parents."
We strongly encourage our Faith Formation parents to be involved through elementary faith formation classes and sacrament preparation of their children for First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Our Faith Formation Program is designed to challenge our young people to live the real presence of Christ and become more like Christ. Our curriculum is built in the Life of Christ through the (4) Four Major Components: Scripture, Tradition, Doctrine and Sacraments.
Children's Faith Formation is facilitated by a team of catechists who nourished and teach the Catholic Faith to our young children. If you have an experience in teaching and would like to share your desire to teach contact Sharon at
Our Faith Formation classes run from September through April on Sundays, with the exception of holiday weekends. Classes are held at 9:30 AM - 10:25 AM for kindergarten through 5th grade.
For the year 2024-2025, our Faith Formation classes will begin on Sunday, September 22, 2024 through last Sunday of April 2025
Curriculum Materials and Resources Loyola Press "Finding God" Our Response to God's Gifts English textbooks from K-5 grade is our main resource material for the program. Our 2nd grade and older students preparing for their First Sacraments utilize Twenty Third Publication's "We Prepare for Reconciliation and We Share in the Eucharist" student textbook.
SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2025 at 10 AM
Our Sacramental Preparation Program begins with a parent meeting, followed by the family working together with materials we give them to help their child understand and want to follow Jesus. There is a half-day retreat for the parents and candidates, a rehearsal, and the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and 1st Eucharist. Children should be in 2nd grade or older. Archdiocesan guidelines state that the child must have one full year of religious education before this preparation begins.
For any questions, please contact Sharon Guerrero in the Parish Office at
Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) brings the liturgy suitably adapted to make it relevant to the lives and experiences of young children. The children are present at the beginning of the Mass until the end of the Introductory Rites. The priest then invites them for a blessing and leave the church to participate their own Liturgy of the Word in the chapel and rejoin the assembly immediately after the Prayers of the Faithful or before the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Safe Environment Certified adult volunteers facilitate the weekly dismissals with the assistance of a parent or teen volunteer. Our main resource is the LTP Children's Liturgy of the Word, A Weekly Resource Guide.
The 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass is designed for children. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to learn the importance of sharing their time and talents as members of our parish community. They may participate in various ways. We will have a children’s choir, children will do the readings and act out the Gospel. It will surely be a blessed and joyful celebration!
Nativity Presentation & Choir Rehearsal Schedule:
Join the Choir! All young people through high school who are interested in joining or playing an instrument, please contact Deb DiMiero at
Your commitment to the following practices is very important. Please plan on having a responsible adult bring your child to and from each rehearsal.
If you have any questions or want to help with organization, costumes, or music, please contact the Parish Office - Sharon Guerrero at 425-743-2929 or
Vacation Bible School, or VBS, is an ecumenical summer program that caters to preschool 4 year old through 5th grade children. The program runs for a week and every year has its own theme that children can explore and it allows them to discover the lives of saints and God in a creative way. Here at St. Thomas More, our VBS program includes five amazing days of Bible stories and Christ-centered fun-in-the-sun games and activities, arts and crafts, and delightful themed snacks. It is run by enthusiastic and energetic adults and youth volunteers from the parish and school community.