
Confirmation: Strengthening Our Christian Identity

Confirmation is a sacrament that builds upon the foundation of Baptism, perfecting the grace we received at our initiation into the Christian faith. Just as Baptism imprints a spiritual mark on our souls, Confirmation leaves a lasting impression that incorporates us more firmly into Christ and strengthens our bond with the Church.

Through Confirmation, we receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live our lives in accordance with the teachings of Christ. This sacrament deepens our relationship with God and equips us with the gifts and graces needed to navigate the challenges and temptations we encounter in the world.

Confirmation not only solidifies our connection to the Church but also strengthens the ties we have with our fellow Christians. As confirmed members, we take on an active role in the larger faith community and engage more intentionally in a family that supports, encourages, and challenges us on our spiritual journey. We are called to actively participate in the life of the Church, attending Mass, engaging in prayer and worship, and joining in various ministries and service opportunities.

Additionally, Confirmation empowers us to embrace our Christian identity in a world that often challenges and opposes our beliefs. The grace we receive through this sacrament strengthens us to live out our faith with courage, conviction, and integrity. We are called to be ambassadors of Christ, shining His light into the darkness and being a beacon of hope to those around us.

In conclusion, Confirmation is a powerful sacrament that perfects the grace of Baptism and imprints a spiritual mark on our souls. It not only strengthens our bond with Christ and the Church but also empowers us to actively participate in the mission of the Church and bear witness to our Christian faith through both our words and deeds. Let us embrace this sacrament fully and allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct our lives as we strive to live as faithful disciples of Christ.

He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’
— John 20:22

Youth Confirmation

The ordinary age for youth Confirmation in the Archdiocese of Seattle is 7th grade or the equivalent age. St. Thomas More welcomes all youth 7th grade and older to register for the youth Confirmation Program.

Youth preparing for Confirmation are required to attend two one-day retreats and one over-night retreat.

Please note: Academic Year 2024-2025 will be the last year Holy Rosary will run a special program for high school students who did not receive Confirmation in 7th grade. Starting academic year 2025-2026, high school students will join the adult confirmation program. For more information on youth Confirmation please contact Sharon Guerrero or see details for our youth Confirmation program and calendar below.

Confirmation Retreat (1)

  • Date: November 16, 2024

  • Time: 9AM to 6PM (concluding with 5PM Vigil Mass)

  • Location: Holy Rosary, Edmonds Pastoral Center

Confirmation Retreat (2)

  • Dates: February 8, 2025

  • Time: 9AM to 6PM (concluding with 5PM Vigil Mass)

  • Location: St. Thomas More Parish, Dalton Hall

Confirmation Overnight Retreat

  • Dates: April 4-5, 2025

  • Time: Friday evening - Saturday evening

  • Location: Warm Beach

Confirmation Mass Celebration

  • Date: Wednesday, May 7, 2025

  • Time: 7:00pm

  • Location: Holy Rosary Parish, Edmonds | 630 7th Ave N, Edmonds, WA 98020

  • Celebrant: Bishop Eusebio

Adult Confirmation

The adult Confirmation program is adults who have received Baptism and 1st Eucharist. Adult candidates for Confirmation are invited to join the Becoming Catholic group or are taught in a separate class depending on the needs of the group or individual. For more information on adult Confirmation please contact Sharon Guerrero or visit our Becoming Catholic page for more information.

Adults preparing for Confirmation with the Becoming Catholic program will receive Confirmation during the Easter Vigil Mass.

Confirmation FAQs

  • In the Archdiocese of Seattle, the age of Confirmation is 7th Grade or the equivalent age.

  • Youth Confirmation classes are offered Mondays at 6PM to 7:30PM, starting the first week of October and ending in May. See our Faith Formation calendar for class and retreat dates.

  • Yes, St. Thomas More offers a High School Confirmation program on Sunday 5:00pm-6:30pm. Sacramental preparation for adults can be done through our Becoming Catholic program. Visit our Becoming Catholic page to register for classes.

  • Candidates for Confirmation should be baptism, complete the sacramental program and retreats. You can find an explanation of requirements on our parish resource page.