Our Lenten Journey

“Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the dessert for forty days...” Luke 4:1

Holy Week / Sacred Triduum Schedule

Palm Sunday Mass - April 13

  • Vigil Mass, Saturday, 5pm

  • Sunday Mass, 8:30am and 10:30am

Holy Thursday - April 17

  • Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00pm

Good Friday - April 18

  • Live Stations of the Cross at 12:00pm

  • Passion of the Lord at 7:00pm

Celebration of Easter

Easter Vigil - April 19

Mass at 9pm with celebration of Sacraments of Initiation for the Elect. All are welcome to attend!

Easter - April 20

  • Mass at 8:30am and 10:30am

  • Easter Egg Hunt following 10:30am Mass


  • Lifts our hearts and minds to God

  • Lets us speak our deepest desires to God

  • Helps us experience the intimate love of God

  • Refreshes our hearts and souls  


  • Helps our brothers and sisters in need

  • Reminds us of our duties to others

  • Reminds us of our duties to others

Happening This Lent

Ash Wednesday Masses March 5

  • St. Thomas More 8:30am (with the school) and 7:00pm

Stations of the Cross

  • Each Friday in Lent at 6:00pm

  • April 11 Stations are outdoors.

Knights of Columbus Fish Fry 6:30pm

  • March 7, 21, and April 11

Soup Suppers 6:30pm

  • March 14, 28, and April 4

Faith Forward with Fr. Matthew - A four part series on the Christian Life

  • Wednesdays March 19-April 9, 6-8pm (Holy Rosary Campus)

Special Masses

  • Women’s Mass - March 20 at 7:00pm

  • Men’s Mass - March 27 at 7pm

Penance Service - Saturday, March 29 at 10:00am

Lenten Fasting and Abstinence

In our early generations of following Jesus, Catholic Christians developed our own practices of spiritual sacrifice for the Lord. Today we observe the following traditions during the holy season of Lent. Here are the basic practices, but some people observe these on Wednesdays as well as Fridays of Lent, or on every Friday or even every Wednesday and Friday during the rest of the year.

Fasting: Catholics 18-59 fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, having one full meal a day, and up to two smaller meals during the day.

Abstinence: Catholics 14 and older abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays of Lent.   

Actions With Meaning

Lent is our holy season of spiritual cleansing and purification.  We take forty days to reflect on how we allow more of the grace of God into our lives, and how we can bring the love of Christ into the lives of others.  From early times to the present, Christians make more time to pray, fast, and give alms during Lent, to help us in our six weeks of reflection, repentance, and renewal that leads to Easter.  Here are some ideas on how we might approach these ancient practices this year.


  • Eat one full meal and up to two smaller meals on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and another day of the week.

  • Take only what you need of food, money, etc.

  • Refrain from buying things you don’t need.

Ways of Fasting…

  • Abstain from negative talk, complaining, gossip, judging.

  • Abstain from Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, 24/7 news, etc.

  • Let go of grudges, old hurts.

  • Give away things you don’t need or use.

Ways of Praying …

  • Participate in Mass on Sundays and weekdays

  • Read the Bible (incl. Mass readings) every day

  • Pray the Rosary and Stations of the Cross.

  • Spend quiet time with the Lord

  • Spend 10-15 minutes with the Lenten booklets

Ways to Give Alms

  • Support charities, perhaps a new one

  • Listen to someone needing an ear

  • Give time for some volunteer work

  • Participate in the Rice Bowl Mission