Growing in faith is a lifelong process. Our Parish Family provides diverse opportunities for people of all ages to grow in knowledge of the faith and deepen their relationship with God and others through formative opportunities and actively engaging in the life of the community.
Children (PreK-5th Grade)
Weekly faith formation session for children ages Pre-K through 5th grade. Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation & First Eucharist.
Youth (Middle School & High School)
Weekly faith formation sessions, ministry and outreach opportunities, annual retreats, conventions, and missions for youth 6th-12th grade. Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation.
Young Adults (18-35 years)
Weekly faith formation sessions, ministry and outreach opportunities, monthly retreats, annual conventions and missions for young adults ages 18-22 years and ages 23-35 years.
Weekly faith formation sessions through Koinonia series, retreats, ministry and outreach.
Becoming Catholic (Children & Adults)
Sacramental Preparation for Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation for Children and Adults seeking full communion or to complete sacraments.
Leadership Development
Spiritual, academic, and pastoral training for youth and adults called to service in leadership or as catechists.