Councils, Commissions, & Committees
Pastoral Council
The pastoral council is a consultative leadership body of parishioners that advises and makes recommendations to the pastor. The purpose of the pastoral council is to be a sign and witness of unity, to recommend parish priorities and direction, to promote community, and to assist the pastor in pastoral planning.
Many Gifts: Consultative Leadership
Ann Ayson - Chair Person
Jonas Mitchell
Kelly Lucas
Ted Hikel - Finance Rep
Vy Phan Lai - Faith Formation Rep
Nick Golla - School Rep
Laura Piispanen - Stewardship Rep
Sharoon Lantoria
Erwin Lazaro - Liturgy Rep
John Ndunguru
The Pastoral Council usually meets once a month from 7:00-9:00pm.
The Term of Office is 3 years.
Finance Council
The finance council is a consultative body that provides the pastor with advice concerning the stewardship of parish fiscal resources.
Many Gifts: Consultative Leadership
Jacqueline Meucci - Chair Person
Vicki Jarman
John Miketinas
Ayesa Makatiani
Kevin Mullins
Marti Lundberg - Pastoral Associate
Fr. Matthew O’Leary - Pastor
The Finance Council usually meets once a month from 7:00-9:00pm.
The Term of Office is 3 years.
Members of this commission give their time and talent for the purpose of ensuring both the short term and long term needs and maintenance of the Parish buildings and grounds. The team helps to facilitate construction, repair, and improvement projects as needed. New members are always welcome. Meetings are monthly and work-time commitments are normally a few hours a month.
Gordon Alexander
Jorell Bobadilla
John Rhodes
Rick Spehar
Tom Sullivan
Brian Zadorozny
Deacon Craig Lundberg
Marti Lundberg
The commission advises and supports the Pastor and the Faith Formation staff as they assess parish needs and ensure that quality faith formation program are developed and implemented for the passing on of the Catholic Faith to our children and adults.
The Faith Formation Commission's role includes:
Assessing Parish needs for Faith Formation
Advising the pastor/pastoral leader and other delegates regarding Faith Formation needs
Ensuring that qualtiy Faith Formation programs are implemented in the parish
The commission represents the diversity of the parish
The members of the commission possess experience in Faith Formation, Youth Formation, Adult and and other religious education programs.
Vy Lai - Chair Person
Karen Hibbert
Staff Members:
Sharon Guerrero
Violeta Juzon
McKayla Vu
The commission honors, celebrates, and acknowledges the richness of the ethnic and cultural diversity in our faith community. To live the real presence of Christ through cultural knowledge and acceptance and letting the gifts of culture enrich the life of the church, community and people.
Ellen and Eddie Abellera - Chair Persons
Francesca Abellera
Rudy & Cynthia Avila
Romy and Susan Dino
Nick Golla
Karen and Scott Hibbert
June Kamao
Virginia Miscione
Ed dos Remedios
Fadia Kassab
The Liturgy Commission focuses on the Spiritual Life of the Parish. Besides Liturgies and the Art and Environment of the Church, this includes all of the beautiful banners, floral decorations, music ministry, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers, and Altar Servers.
Kevin Norris - Chair Person
Cynthia Avila - Environment
Violeta Juzon and Cathy Reed - Sacristans
John Rhodes - Ushers
Rick Spehar - Lectors
Mike & Angela Vu - EM
Mass Coordinator:
Laura Piispanen
Violeta Juzon
Debbie DeMiero
Fr. Matthew O'Leary
The School Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the school principal and pastor. It is their responsibility to set and monitor policies regarding the operation of the school, based on Archdiocesan policy and recommendations made by the pastoral council. At the beginning of each school year, the school commission meets to discuss which areas will be their primary focus for the year. Sub-committees are created to research and review each topic, with final recommendations being made to the full board. Meetings are held once a month and are open to the public. Commission member positions are filled through a discernment process.
Principal: Richard Hernandez
John Assaker
Bridget Azel
JP Diener
Sharon Geyer
Nick Golla - Liaison to Pastoral Council
Maria Houser
Vickie Jarman
Jon Lantoria
Jackie Meucci
John Miketinas
Tony Pehanich
Angela Vu
Terri Fewel
This commission assists our parish community in living out their baptismal call to discipleship by fostering stewardship of Time, Talent, and Treasure. Members are involved in conducting Parish welcoming, hospitality, and appreciation and also providing stewardship-related educational opportunities for parishioners. Meetings are the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7pm. We invite new members!
Laura Piispanen - Chair Person
Ayesa Makatiani - Co-Chair
June Kamau - Secretary
Joe Unroe - Formation Coordinator
Jaime Galimba
Portia David and Charmaine Bui - Hospitality/Wine and Welcome Coordinators
Virginia Miscione and June Kamau -Event Coordinators
Violeta Juzon
Fr. Matthew O'Leary
For more information about the Policies and Procedures for the Stewardship Commision click this link