Lent is our holy season of spiritual cleansing and purification.  We take forty days to reflect on how we allow more of the grace of God into our lives, and how we can bring the love of Christ into the lives of others.  From early times to the present, Christians make more time to pray, fast, and give alms during Lent, to help us in our six weeks of reflection, repentance, and renewal that leads to Easter.  Here are some ideas on how we might approach these ancient practices this year.


  • Eat one full meal and up to two smaller meals on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and another day of the week.

  • Take only what you need of food, money, etc.

  • Refrain from buying things you don’t need.

Ways of Fasting…

  • Abstain from negative talk, complaining, gossip, judging.

  • Abstain from Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, 24/7 news, etc.

  • Let go of grudges, old hurts.

  • Give away things you don’t need or use.