Vacation Bible Camp - July 7-10, 2025
at Holy Rosary Edmonds
Dear St. Thomas More Families,
This Summer 2025, we will be combining forces for a fun-filled summer with our Parish Family at the Holy Rosary Edmonds Campus. We are blessed and excited to see what our collaboration can provide for our Campers across the St. Thomas More and Holy Rosary Communities.
With love,
The St. Thomas More VBS Team
Children Pre-K to 5th Grade
Dear Parents,
We are excited to that your child/children will be participating in our Parish Family Vacation Bible Camp! Our program has been carefully planned with the goal of providing exciting and fun opportunities for our campers to learn about God while having a great time.
Start Time: 9:00am
End Time: 12:15pm
Daily Activities: Arts & Crafts, Music, Bible Activities, Recreation, and Snacks with the Saints
Doors will open at 8:45am for sign-in. We ask that you park in the parish and school parking lot and walk your child/children to the pastoral center to sign them in. We will be using the Pastoral Center entrance on the upper-level across from the school offices. Sign-in tables are by grade. Once signed in, your child/children will receive their T-shirt and lanyard.
PreK and Kindergarten campers only.
If you have a child in PreK or Kindergarten, you can pick them up at 12:00pm. For families picking up children in older grades, please wait until 12:15pm to pick up your PreK or Kindergarten child.
1st - 5th Grade Campers
Pick-up is at 12:15pm for campers in grades 1st - 5th Grade. If you arrive before 12:15pm, please wait outside of the Pastoral Center. For safety purposes, children will wait inside the main space behind the glass doors until their parent/guardian can sign them out. T-shirts and lanyards will be returned at the end of each day and stored in a marked bag.
Dress Code and Preparation
Cool, comfortable clothing
No-mark tennis shoes (no sandals or open toed shoes please!)
All Children have one session of recreation outside. Please be sure to apply sunscreen to your child/children before dropping them off.
Please have your child bring a clearly marked water bottle
For Camp Leaders (Middle School and High School Students)
If you are a middle school or high school student who wants to make an impact as a leader ad role model, you are in the right place! Join us for the opportunity to create a great summer experience for some awesome kids, exercise your leadership and organizational skills, and have a great time with other youth!
Our Camp Leaders do much much more than assist adults with activities and step-in when asked…they run all the activities, manage their team or station with the support of adult leaders. A few things to know ahead of time:
You will have the opportunity to train in the area or responsibilities you are assigned. A training schedule will be provided in March.
Final crew leader training and set up day are Saturday, July 5th 10am-1pm.
Dress Code: wear comfortable clothing and no-mark tennis shoes.
The last day of camp (Thursday, July 10th) pizza will be provided for all crew leaders who stay for clean up!
Service Hours: serving as a VBC leader can count for service hours. However the expectation for our camp leaders is that they are full present and create a great experience for all the VBC campers by engaging and using their initiative at all times. If you need service hours but are not able to participate the week of camp or being a camp leader is not the right fit for you, please contact Alice McIntyre for other service opportunities. Mike will be coordinating a team of builders and artists for all VBC prep work.
Adult Leaders
For young adult and adult leaders who enjoy Vacation Bible Camp and working with children and youth, we need you!
Please contact Daria Lobato if you are interested in becoming part of the VBC team!
Looking forward to seeing all of you soon!
The VBC Team
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Summer Fridays
What are CGS Summer Fridays?
Holy Rosary Edmonds’ CGS opens its Atriums and offers a wonderful opportunity for children 6-12 years to grow in their relationship with God in an environment of peace and prayer.
Children learn, discover, and grow at their own pace supported by trained and certified CGS catechists.