Altar Guild and Candle Support
Those serving in the Altar Guild ministry launder and iron the purificators, altar cloths, corporals, towels, etc. used during Mass.
Those serving in candle support maintain our votives, replace burnt candles, clean votive glasses and refill them with fresh candles.
Contact: Violeta Juzon
Altar Servers
Servers assist the priest during Mass. Open to children ten years and above who have received their First Eucharist.
Contact: Violeta Juzon
Those serving in the Environment Ministry create new banners for the various seasons as well as decorate the church with florals, etc.
Contact: Cynthia Avila
Eucharistic Ministers
The Eucharistic Minister assists with the distribution of Communion during Mass. Typically, a Eucharistic Minister serves at Sunday Mass twice each month.
Contact: Mike & Angela Vu
Greeters/ushers welcome all people. They assist with seating, passing collection baskets, assisting special needs, bulletin distribution, and straightening books after Mass.
Contact: John Rhodes
Readers proclaim the scriptures at Mass, and announcers read the intercessions and announcements for the weekend. Two lectors are assigned to each Mass.
Contact: Rick Spehar
Music Ministry
Those called to music ministry enrich the life and liturgy of the parish by sharing their talents as singers, cantors, and musicians. Always seeking a diverse range of musical styles, this ministry welcomes experts and beginners.
Contact: Deb DeMiero
The sacristans prepare the sacred vessels, vestments, and altar for Mass, and clean up afterwards.
Contact: Violeta Juzon